Annuity / Renew
Registered South African trademarks must be renewed every ten years calculated from the South African filing date (irrespective of any priority claim).
We automatically upload your registered South African trademark to the PayAnnuity trademark renewal system.
The PayAnnuity renewal system emails trademark renewal reminders 6 months, 3 months and 1 month before each renewal deadline. To pay trademark renewals, login to the PayAnnuity renewal system, instruct the renewal online and pay by credit card. Cost: US$65 per 10‐year renewal. If a South African trademark renewal is not paid by the deadline, the renewal may still be paid during a 6‐month grace period. Estimated late payment penalty: US$25‐50.
If a South African trademark renewal is not paid by the end of the grace period, the trademark will finally lapse. Finally lapsed trademarks may be "restored". To restore a finally lapsed trademark, you need to show:
The estimated cost of restoration is US$550.
Upon restoration, historical unpaid renewals must be paid.
However, it is generally simpler, cheaper and quicker to re‐file a finally lapsed trademark than to apply for restoration.
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