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South Africa Patent Cost

Filing cost

The all‐inclusive cost to file a South African trademark is only:

US$ 199

The filing fee includes:

  • Preparing the Power of Attorney and Forms
  • Filing the trademark application via a South African registered trademark attorney (S&Z / IdeaNav)
  • Official South African trademark filing fee (approx. US$55)
  • Emailing the filing receipt ‐ the South African Trademarks Office typically issues a trademark application number within one business day of filing
  • Emailing examination reports that may be issued by the trademark examiner
  • Emailing "acceptance" of the trademark ‐ South African trademarks are typically accepted about 9 months after filing
  • Emailing an electronic copy of the registration certificate

The filing fee is fixed, irrespective the type of trademark (e.g. word mark or logo) and priority claim.

Prosecution costs

Examination reports

All examination reports issued by the South African Trademarks Office are forwarded to you by email without charge. The fixed cost to request a South African trademark attorney's opinion regarding how to respond to the examination report is US$70. Thereafter, our trademark agent can prepare and submit a response to the South African Trademarks Office (at a cost of US$70 for a "routine response").

Acceptance and grant

We do not charge to report on Acceptance, and our fixed charge to arrange publication of Acceptance and Grant of the South African trademark is US$70.

In the absence of opposition, within 6‐8 months of publication, we should receive the Trademark Registration Certificate. This we scan and send to you by email without charge. Should you require us to courier the original Certificate to you, our fixed courier charge is US$110.


South African trademarks are renewed every 10 years from the filing date. The cost to pay a South African trademark annuity via our PayAnnuity online renewal system is US$65..

How we're able to offer such low pricing

Iptica has automated the entire South African trademark filing, acceptance and grant process ‐ integrating this online trademark filing system with the South African Trademarks Office's e‐filing, reporting and publication system. No other South African trademark firm offers a fully automated process. This enables us to handle large volumes of South African trademarks efficiently and at an exceptionally low price.

Save at least 70% on your South African trademark costs by using the Iptica online trademark filing system.


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